Monday, August 11, 2008

August already?...What happen to the summer?

I always heard my friends and family over the years "Once you have kids, time just goes by soooo fast" I believed them, really I did, but not to the extent that they would extradite the "soooo fast" In the back of my mind I would think, (it cant go by much faster than what it has after I turned 20- those years flew)


Since Colt has came along, I can not quite wrap my mind around how fast time is going. I promise myself that I will be better journaling his special moments, or his first time events, or Phil and I's thoughts that we have about him and our family so that he can one day read them and see pictures (and so his forgetful mommy can read them and say "oh yeah - i remember")
but I find myself still falling behind on getting them down anywhere.
So, my little boy- catch up time!

July 26-August 1st

This week we went down to visit Nana and Pa and Great G&G Brown.
You played and played on the floor with Great Grammy and it was your first time playing with a train track and choo-choo trains. You would try to say "choo-choo"

Your Great Grammy lights up when I walk thru the door with you, her face (which is usually not easily excited) turns into a full watt smile from ear to ear and she runs to grab you. You usually shy away for awhile and then warm up once she gets down on your level to play with you.

I love watching you with my Grammy, she has always been Mommy's best friend, confidante, and favorite women in the whole wide world.

Grandpa Brown also read to you and you go to him a little easier than Grammy

. This is your 2nd cousin Kaleb. You our a year apart and played on the floor together. We had to teach you both to share several times.